Looking at my palette you will see two dividing black lines and although they are reinforced post production digitally they were physically drawn in on my glass palette with a sharpie marker. This is actually the firt time I did this and I am please with the results. The point of these lines are to separate my tone into the corresponding groups as i mix. This helps the painting process because I can clearly see whether my mixtures belong to the light or shadow and then judge all new mixtures according to what I have already. This tight organization with translate into your painting. Using a 9 value scale I have limited myself on what values can be used in each group (fig. 1.) the tones used in each group can vary depending on what is in your painting but the driagram below illustrates a general plan for subject matter that has a full range of values in it. By full range of value I mean it contains something that is near black eg. a shadow on a dark object, some source of light eg a secondary light source or spectacular highlights and everything in between.
Notice how few mixes are needed to make a painting
fig 1.
ray you should write a book your self.your blogs are excellent reading material and very informative,best wishes to you.